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Strategic Planning

Typically, strategic planning involves reviewing the vision/purpose, mission statement, values/principles, overarching objectives/outcomes, goals (short-term, mid-term, long-term) and the work/action plan.
This would be assessed by facilitating a conversation that focuses on three areas; where are we now, where are we going, and how do we get there. We conclude that this process of strategic planning is outdated, irrelevant and intrudes kaupapa Māori collectives and movements, upon our own consent, such as Tātai Ora, whose desire is to strategically align with mātauranga Māori knowledge systems.
In clarifying the task, we concluded that clarity of kauae runga kōrero for the kaupapa of Tātai Ora would not only benefit the collective, it would also present an opportunity to restructure and transform the praxis and strategic direction as a means to future-proof the movement moving forward, in accordance and alignment with mātauranga Māori knowledge systems. As explained through the whakatauākī, utilising our two knowledge systems of kauae runga and kauae raro assures a relevant and accurate foundation to formulate a strategic direction.